Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Cast 2011 - Alice in Wonderland

Megan: Alice in Wonderland

Bridget: The Queen of Hearts

Tessa: Tweedle Dum

Annie: Tweedle Dee

Mary:  a  flower

I managed to sueeze one more "theme year" out of these girls!  This probably isn't a desirable result for most people, but I love having them all coordinate with each other when they're this small. Apparently, my persuasive powers are pretty good, because they're all in love with their costumes.  Even better, Alice and the Queen have pretty equal footing in this house, so neither big girl felt upstaged by a better outfit.  In fact, these leading ladies are still having way too much fun acting out their parts from the movie.  "Yes, you're highness," with an appropriate curtsy, and "Off with your heads!" are their favorite things to say right now.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, on the other hand...well, they're way cuter than the movie version.  And, I'm sure I'll feel guilty someday about making one of my daughters dress as Tweedle Dum (Tessa chose Tweedle Dum, for the record), but I'll worry about that later. For now, I'll just enjoy my full cast of little characters.