Monday, December 21, 2009

9 months!

Happy 9 months, Tessa and Annie!

Annie (left) and Tessa (right)

It's been nine months since the twins were born, and I just now figured out how to get a good picture with both babies smiling. I use my feet to tickle them! I know, gross, right? Well, my feet might be cleaner than my hands, given that I change 10-12 diapers a day with my hands. Anyway, as you can see in this unedited picture, I have both babies sitting against the bottom of our stairs, and they each have one of my feet tickling them.

Then, thanks to the magic of photo trimming, we have a somewhat decent picture of both babies to document their survival of nine months in this crazy house!

Tessa (left) and Annie (right)

At nine months, things are changing daily around here. Annie got her first tooth at 8.5 months, and Tessa's first is coming soon, so we have a lot of teething, which explains why a lot of our pictures look like this now:

Annie (left) and Tessa (right)

Annie is also pulling herself up on the coffee table, chairs, baskets, and anything within her reach, including the stairs - eek!! And, she's pulling herself up to a sitting postition from laying down, so she's often already sitting up when we come in to get her after a nap. Tessa's not too far behind on these milestones. She's just so much more mellow than Annie, although both of them are very mellow and easy babies right now.

Annie showing off

As for those stairs, we have some fancy schmancy plexiglass at the top of our stairs to prevent babies from falling through our retro stair rails, and that cheap solution has served us well since Megan was old enough to crawl. Here, the babies are foiled by that and our baby gates:

We're looking forward to celebrating their first Christmas! We only got them one stocking stuffer each, considering we have a house full of toys that are new to them. Most notably, this month, they began playing with the little piano we got Megan for her first Christmas. Who needs Santa when you have older sisters and their toys?

Tessa is in the heart sleeper

Even with all of those toys, though, they seem to like to climb on Mommy and Daddy (and each other!) more than anything. Here they are on me (with Annie in back):

I'm not sure about their weights since their 9 month check-up is after Christmas, but I'm sure Tessa is still holding steady as the chunkier one, by at least a pound. They're eating a lot of table food now, including a lot of what Megan and Bridget eat, like chicken nuggets, waffles and all kinds of chopped up veggies and fruits. In fact, they usually eat more than Bridget! Of course, they're also eating a ton of baby food, and we probably spend $150/month on jarred baby food. This is just the beginning of things being a little more expensive for twins.

I'm glad to say that we don't spend a dime on formula. We may have gone through 3 or 4 cans since their birth, but those were all scored from the pediatrician, and used mostly as a base for their rice cereal. I'm still almost exclusively breastfeeding if you don't count the occasional bottle when I'm not around. We all know I have no life, so they may get formula once a week when I make an exciting trip to the grocery store :)

When we first learned we were expecting twins, I thought it would be impossible to nurse both babies. I pictured us stumbling around the kitchen twice a night making bottles for six months, or possibly having a little bottle warmer in our room. (Definitely not the worst thing in the world to formula feed, but such a different experience than we had with Megan and Bridget!) As it turns out, the babies were good nursers from the start, so we were very lucky. We still had a fair amount of stumbling around in the middle of the night, but it was mostly Matt fetching babies and bringing them to me. And, if I was lucky, it was one at a time, so I could still lay down and sleep while they nursed. Now, they've been sleeping through the night in their own room for two months, so no more night feedings!!! I'm really proud that we've all lasted this long with the breastfeeding, and we've saved a lot of money, too!

I can't believe we're turning the corner to the one-year mark -- don't grow up, babies!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our Happy/Pouty/Sneaky/Smiley Face

Hopefully, you can focus on the many faces of Bridget instead of her lunch mess and my Christmas present wrapping mess in the background. She is definitely our ham!!

Stay Still!

We've had to resort to some pretty drastic measures to get all four girls to stay put for a picture together, including a trip last night to Picture People, which is another post all together. But, one surefire way to capture all four is to cage, er, place them in a crib. The babies definitely can't crawl away from that, and the girls love playing "Red Light, Green Light" jumping in the crib. So, during every "red light," I'm able to get a picture. No injuries during any photo-ops yet.

The House That Megan and Bridget Built

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Getting Ready for Christmas

Last weekend, we made a quick trip to the oh-so-authentic Christmas tree patch on 19th Avenue in the city. We've cut our own tree down in Half Moon Bay in the past, but we were looking for a fast and easy transaction this year. We had to fit the Christmas tree shopping between seeing Santa at SI, two dinner parties at our house, one dinner party at a friend's, and seeing Mop off to the airport. And, all of the usual chaos that comes along with four girls under the age of four, of course. So, 19th Avenue it was.

It was even stroller-friendly. Here, Megan and Bridget demonstrate how our double stroller easily converts to a quadruple stroller:

Tessa (in red) and Annie (asleep) were super excited to get their first tree:

It's all about multi-tasking in our house. So, once we got the tree, we decided to split up. While I drove Mop to the airport with the girls in tow, Matt had the task of setting up the Christmas tree by himself. Hey, you take your "me time" when you can get it around here. If it means manual labor, fine - as long as you don't have kids underfoot and babies crying! By the time I got back with the girls, the tree was set up and we zipped over to SI for our first Santa sighting this year.

The girls were in awe as he walked in the door:

And, Megan and cousin Joey continued to be enamored with him as he high-fived them, hugged them,

and gave them presents!!

Bridget, meanwhile, clung to Matt for dear life,

barely reaching out to accept her present:

And, we got a family shot with the big guy too. We can thank Bridget for taking Tessa's socks off right before the picture.

Back at home, we've been attempting to get a cute Christmas card picture. Here are some outtakes from the past few days.

And, finally, this is all the kids really care about:
Specifically, do Barbies fit in there?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Lot To Be Thankful For...

This year, we drove our little brood down to the OC to spend a few days with Mop, Pop and Uncle Kyle for Thanksgiving. Eight hours in the car is much better now that the babies sleep through the night! We did the bulk of the driving at night, so once the kids were asleep, we just had to make sure we didn't fall asleep! Overall, much better than the trip we made in June when the babies were only ten weeks old! I'm getting stressed even thinking about that drive now!!

You're in for a lot of pictures, so here goes...

The kids table, with the babies in their low-rider highchairs. (As a side note, those high chairs seemed like overkill when Mop and Pop got them for Megan and Joey's first Thanksgiving, but they've been through three pairs of kids now!)

Tessa's demonstrating a pose that both she and Annie have mastered. I think it's really cute. And, Tessa's shirt says "one of a kind." Sure, we'll let her think that.

They loved the vintage Raley blocks and toys,

and Annie later moved on to exploring Pop's face... ...she wasn't sure what to think.

Tessa with Kyle

After watching some home video of Sara and me as babies (at about 8 months) taking a bath in the kitchen sink, we decided to try to recreate the scene with some look alikes:

Of course, Brideget wiggled her way into the sink eventually, too:

Here's Tessa unwinding in her new favorite spot - the hammock in Mop and Pop's backyard. She stayed in there, eerily calm and content, for a very long time. This thing puts all of our baby swings to shame. Too bad we didn't have one in our backyard for the first six months of the babies' lives!!

3 Raley kids

5 Raleys

4 Stecher kids

6 grandkids

and 6 Stechers