Monday, November 24, 2008


Megan finally got a real (not just a bangs trim) haircut last week, and it went great! Since cousin Joey has his hair cut just about once a week, it wasn't hard to coordinate a day for the kids to go together! We went to Snippety Crickets on Sacramento Street, where Megan was the perfect customer. She was excited (an understatement!) to be a pretty princess, and for Joey to be a pretty prince :)

We should have had her hair cut months ago, as evidenced by the before picture below. While Megan demonstrates one of the earliest pleasures in life in licking the mixer thing after making cookies, I can't help but notice she looks a little shaggy.

Magically, she's a pretty princess now - poof!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Halfway There!

19 weeks down, hopefully at least 19 to go :) Something tells me the second half of this pregnancy won't be as easy or as quick as the first half! We had our "big" ultrasound and did not find out the sex of the babies - we're hoping we can keep it a surprise, although it was very tempting. And, with an ultrasound every 4 weeks this time around, our willpower will be tested!

So, although we don't have any gender news, we know the babies are absolutely perfect and are growing right on track. Baby A weighs 9 ounces and Baby B weighs 11 ounces. When I picked up the girls at Sara's house after the appointment, she was quick to tell me that Baby B reminds her of someone else. When Sara and I were in utero, we were nicknamed Sooner (Baby A - Sara) and Boomer (Baby B - me), and I weighed in almost a pound heavier than Sara at birth. Not sure about the specifics here, but apparently Sooner has not forgotten!

In other related news, apparently I'm carrying around a little more baby weight than I thought. While I was lying flat on my back during the ultrasound, the weight of the babies pushed down so much on the blood vessel returning blood to my brain that I started to get really hot and nauseous, and actually blacked out for a little bit before I realized what was going on. After a lot of water and changing position, we got back to getting some amazing pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

This year, Halloween turned into a weeklong affair, and required our little Snow White to don her dress a few times before the main event. This didn't require much convincing, except for the foreign addition of a sweater - "Snow White does not wear a sweater!" When she lives in Daly City, and wants to brave Storytime at the library on a rainy day, she does need that sweater, unfortunately. Luckily, Bridget was more game, as evidenced by her willingness to pair her Little Mermaid dress with a knitted hat and puffy jacket.

So, off we went to the library, where Megan was as studious as ever. She didn't even seem to mind that there was another Snow White in the crowd, albeit with an inferior dress. Megan's is straight from FantasyLand at Disneyland - thank you Mop and Hop! Bridget, in case you're wondering, was not inhibited by the one-leggedness of her mermaid dress. She managed to get around the library with ease, leaving a trail of books behind her for me to put back in all of the wrong places.

The next day, we braved the cold again at SI to watch Matt's game against Serra. Before we left, Bridget fretted about dressing up a puppy - how inconsistent this would look in pictures - was she Ariel or a puppy??! And, it was Megan's costume from last year! Such are the problems in the life of a second child!

The game did not end well, but the girls got special access to the field after the game with Daddy.

And, they got their first Halloween candy from Grandma and Grandpa in the stands.

After the game, we got straight to the business of trick-or-treating! Sara and Tim came over with Buzz Lightyear (Joey) and a cute little chicken named Clara.

We did a quick trial run with the kids trick-or-treating at our door.

And, of course, Bridget wanted in on the action (she's back to being Ariel by night here). Beating her hands on her chest is her own sign language for, "Me too!!!"

It proved successful, except for the fact that we forgot to tell them to stay on the porch and politley take their candy. Megan waltzed right in the door of every house we went to, just like she she had done at our house. She really wanted to see where this candy was coming from!
Bridget wasn't as into the candy after all. She had fun all week with all of the Halloween paraphenalia around the house. Here she is showing that she can pull off the pumpkin look.

SIX Stechers?

Yes, six! You may be wondering how we arrived at that name for this blog considering we are currently a (relatively) peaceful family of four. While Four Stechers would have been a more appropriate name, we do plan a little around here, and we wouldn't want to have to change the name of our blog in five short months. Our family will include two more very soon - TWINS who will be arriving in April! What was that about us being good planners? Umm.....

These pictures were from our 13 week ultrasound, but we should have some better ones on Friday, at 19 weeks. We'll keep you posted!

Meanwhile, Megan and Bridget had their own reactions to the news of the babies. Bridget was stunned:

Unfortunately, Megan has immediately started to rebel - she's suddenly dressing very scantily and we can't get her off the phone!

Actually, Megan's true reaction when she found out that Mommy has two babies in her tummy was priceless! She was taking a drink of water from her sippy cup, and she literally spit it out and said "Two babies???!!"