Saturday, October 15, 2011

Big M and Little M

The oldest and the youngest in our family have a special little bond. It's not just because both of their names start with "M," although Megan gets way too big a kick out of that. In fact, so far, they seem very similar in personality. Megan was an easy baby, which is probably why Bridget came just 16 months later - we weren't too traumatized by our first experience! Mary is just as good-natured as Megan was, if not more. Mary also seems to be taking sleep advice from her big sister. Megan started sleeping through the night at three weeks, and Mary sleeps through nearly half the time right now.

Beyond those similarities, big M and little M have a sweet little connection. Megan is old enough now that she can hold Mary for a few minutes while I run to the next room, quiet a brawl between the twins, or help someone else get dressed. She is also the only big girl awake in the afternoon after school while the others nap, so she gets some quiet time with her baby sister. And, she loves to show off Mary to all of her little friends at school. Having a baby sister seems to be a quick route to winning kindergarten popularity contests. If Mary didn't have enough adoring fans at her own home, she certainly has a little entourage of uniformed, squealing girls in Megan's class. "Oh, Megan, she is so cute!!" makes our five-year-old beam with pride.

Today, Megan, Mary and I stayed home during Bridget's early evening soccer practice. With the more, um, rambunctious kids out of the way, I took some pictures of these two cuties:

Megan spent some time "reading" Mary a few books that she's memorized. This is the cutest thing ever! (She loves to play games that revolve around reading and writing now, so she'll often play the librarian, teacher, or waitress - writing down the girls' orders.) Today, she showed Mary every picture as she was reading, and waited for an appropriate coo before she turned the page.

I love the interaction between all five girls when they're together as a group, but it's extra special to witness the individual bonds develop when they have some one-on-one time. (Similarly, Tessa jumped to Bridget's defense earlier today with, "Don't worry, Bridget. I'll be your buddy. You're my best friend!" after Annie had hurt her feelings. Don't ask me how a 2-year-old is capable of hurting a 4-year-old's feelings. That's just one tiny slice of the drama that goes on here I expect these relationships to change constantly, but it's so comforting to know that they each have four sisters that they can turn to, rely on and be sisters with forever. Maybe, thirteen years from now, I won't be so glad we have five girls/hormonal teenagers. But, for now, I'm trying to love every minute of it.

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