Thursday, November 3, 2011


Our Alice in Wonderland ensemble cast had plenty of opportunities to strut their stuff before the actual trick-or-treating. We had a busy schedule on Halloween with two different school parades, but we had a bonus parade the previous week at Bridget's school.  A bonus parade calls for a bonus costume, right?  Especially if your "real" costume is still en route :)  Bridget was more than happy to be Belle for her first parade.

The morning of Halloween was the real deal!  We all got up bright and early to don costumes (and when I say "we," I definitely do not mean to imply that I was costumed!), which added to the normal morning chaos.  But, it was worth it to see Megan so happy, and eager to show off her little sisters.  She sat with her class in the school yard when the parade started,

and then posed with her crew, after they all marched in the parade with her.  We're looking forward to many more St. Stephen parades!

After each girl was dropped off, the twins, Mary and I made a rest stop back at our house, where Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee put on a little show on our front porch.


and then humored me for one more picture inside. 

We dressed Mary in her flower costume, and before we knew it, it was time to head back to Bridget's school for her parade, where she very regally showed off her Queen of Hearts costume.

And, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum surprised me when they took the hands of Teacher Maria and agreed to march, too. 

Our little flower was unfazed by the noise, and slept through the whole thing.  I'm sure she was dreaming about who she can dress as next year, and hoping her mom doesn't come up with an embarrassing theme again. 

I'm not making any promises!

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