Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mary is 3 Months Old!

I had to get my 3 month ABC block picture, but it didn't turn out the greatest.  Here are a few more shots of Mary that turned out a little cuter, if I do say so myself.

We get plenty of smiles, but the expression below is still pretty common, too.  I think she's almost always wondering exactly how she ended up in this family.  I don't blame her most days.

Despite that often-furrowed brow, though, Mary continues to bring us so much joy!  At three months, she is becoming very aware of her surroundings --  namely, four little girls who are constantly providing her entertainment.  And she doesn't let out so much as a whimper before I have all of the girls calling, "Mommy, Mary needs milk!" They are so cute with her, and her presence is enough to diffuse even the most vicious fights or temper tantrums.  As complicated as our days are, and as busy as we are meeting everyone's needs, she is just the perfect antidote, especially after dealing with a certain five-year-old's temper, a four-year-old's misbehavior, and two-year-old's being...well, two.  I may not get as much done during my downtime any more, but I can definitely get lots of baby smiles and cuddles, and try to remember that the older girls really were that cute and lovable at one point! She is also a beautiful reminder of life!  I know it sounds sappy, but to think that we could have been "done" at four kids just makes my heart physically hurt.  I just look at her and remember how blessed we are to have another healthy baby to love -- and hope that she can just stay this tiny and cute forever.  I think that's realistic.  I mean, it can work for her even if these four keep growing despite our efforts.

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