Thursday, November 10, 2011

While the Twins Were Away...

Well, Tessa and Annie are safely home from their trip, and are house is full again. That's probably the reason I'm so late posting these pictures. Life gets in the way of blogging :).

This trip was major deja vu for my parents, who had two little towhead twins once upon a time. Tessa and Annie bear a striking resemblance to Sara and me at the same age, so I can't really fault my parents for the number of times they called the twins by their mom and aunt's names (I hear from the girls that Tessa=Shawna and Annie=Sara).

This trip down memory lane included lots of coloring,

And Mop and Pop agreed that Tessa will probably be a lefty, which I'm unprepared for. I'm so curious to see if that's how it plays out once she's writing.

Of course, a trip to Mop and Pop's house is not complete without a jaunt to Disneyland!!

The girls apparently loved the teacups,

and the carousel. I just love that they are reaching for each other in this photo.

Because Mop and Pop live so close to Disneyland, and because they have season passes, we never feel a ton of pressure to stay all day or hit every ride. It's always a very relaxed, pleasant adventure that lasts as long as the little ones can handle it. On this day, Tessa and Annie were back when it was still light outside, and they played on the little bridge in the front yard.

What follows is just creepy and weird. But, hey, being an identical twin and having identical twins is creepy and weird, so, I guess this is just par for the course. (And "creepy" happens to be a nickname that my dad always called me and Sara, so of course, Tessa and Annie are also now little "creepies," too.)

Apparently, when Sara and I were tiny, we used to throw very interesting "tantrums" that didn't involve any screaming or hysterics. (Oh, how I wish this was a genetic trait. Obviously not.) Instead, when we were unhappy or wanted to express just how angry we were, we would both crouch, head down, in opposite corners of the couch, and just stay there. What rebellion!!

So, Mop and Pop got a big kick out of recreating this scene more than thirty years later by teaching Tessa and Annie the "Mommy and Aunt Sara Game."

Repeatedly. Notice the change of costume.

Tessa and Annie (or is it Shawna and Sara??) talk constantly about their next trip down south. Usually, it's "tomorrow," so it's safe to say they had a good time!
- posted from my handy-dandy iPhone, with Blogpress

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That is so neat that they get to visit your parents alone, so fun!