Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Soccer Girls

Soccer season has come...and gone again in this house.  Megan's kindergarten class formed two soccer teams, and she happened to be on the team with all of her little girlfriends.  It made such a difference to have other girls on her team (she was the only girl on her team in the spring), especially her friends.  They giggle on the field and horse around on the sidelines. It's neat to get a glimpse of the friendships she's creating.  Although, the YMCA coaches are not as fond of the girly banter that goes on during both practices and games.  "Come to the party, ladies!" has been directed at this group of girls more than once!  She doesn't quite grasp the idea that she needs to kick the ball when it gets near her, but she's having fun!  A Mia Hamm she is not, but that's okay. Megan did get to ride her bike to her games this season, though, since they happen to take place in our neighborhood.  That may have been the highlight for her, and that's okay :)

Meanwhile, Bridget hopped onto a team comprised mostly of kids from her preschool class last year.  Soccer skills aside (which there are none to speak of), how cute does she look in shin guards?

Our Saturdays have been pretty full for the last two months as we've juggled the two soccer schedules, foregone naps on some days (gasp!) and occasionally split up to make both games.  Since we only have two kids in these kind of activities now, and it's already crazy, I'm really scared of what our future activities calendar will look like.  Yikes! 

On the sidelines, I was usually in charge of Mary, while Matt was either holding someone,

or a few girls, depending on how many of them needed Daddy!

Uncle Kyle was the lucky guy who accompanied me to the last game of the season.  He's pretty handy with strollers, wagons, picnic blankets and little girls.  He even has a way with Mary.

See? Bridget made contact with the ball --  at least once.

And while snacks were the highlight of each game,

these girls managed (somehow) to entertain themselves while a sister was playing.

Now that soccer has come to an end, we're taking a breather and enjoying our Saturdays for a bit before the next round of activities.  We have sign-ups for Megan to play basketball in the winter -- that should be interesting.  And Bridget has been begging for a few weeks, "Can you please sign me up for gymnastics?" 
Stay tuned.

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