Thursday, September 29, 2011

Baby Mary is 2 Months Old!

Unbelievably, Mary is two months old! She continues to be the easiest. baby. ever.  Hands down.  I realize this whole post is just one big jinx, but she is just so, so good.  She's sleeping through the night most nights now, sometimes waking once around 4, but she nurses and goes right back to sleep.  She's easy to please.  She doesn't need a pacifier, a swaddle blanket, or a swing to go to sleep (go figure! I didn't know babies came that way!), and is the best car companion, thankfully!  She happily falls asleep in her car seat while out in the morning shuttling her sisters all over the place.  She only cries when she's hungry, or really tired.  She tolerates being roused, changed and stuffed into her car set at an ungodly hour for a brand new baby every day, and she does it all with a smile.  I've only nearly forgotten her once in the rush to get Megan to school - oops!  I blame her easy nature.  Since she doesn't make a peep in the morning as she watches the girls get ready in the morning, I forget she's there!  I really do need to start counting heads, or just confirming that the van is entirely full before we go anywhere.  That's an indication that we've got all of our kids :)

We really could not ask for a more mellow baby.  And she's so happy, too!  When she's awake, her favorite activities are smiling, getting talked to, and having her chin tickled.  We're happy to oblige.  As are four big girls.  Oh, wait, excuse me,  two big girls and two big babies.  You don't want to mistakenly call Tessa and Annie big girls, or you'll get a glare, arms folded across their chest, and a "You talk me big girl.  I'm a big baby!"  Did I mention how easy Mary is?  Maybe because she can't talk yet...

1 comment:

martha said...

I love these updates. How do you manage to get all the girls looking at the camera?