Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bridget's Turn

This back-to-school wreath made it onto our front porch in time for one child's first day, thanks to a random burst of creativity on my part, and inspiration from my new favorite time-suck Pinterest.  (I highly recommend if you're wanting to feel inadequate and unproductive.  There will be plenty of projects and ideas posted there by crafty strangers to make you feel both of those things, and more.)

(Megan helped with the writing, and they all helped put crayons on the wreath)
Look, not only did I make a cute wreath; I also managed to get Bridget to school on time with her hair done, and take a picture!  Maybe I'm productive after all.

Although Megan started kindergarten a couple of weeks ago, Bridget has been (not so) patiently waiting for her big day.  While she's been anxious to make her debut in the big-kid Starlite Room (and not so subtly detailing what outfits she'll be wearing while Megan wears the same uniform every day), I've secretly enjoyed having her at home being a little mommy to Tessa and Annie.  She plays with them in a totally different way than she does with Megan around. It's much quieter and there's much less drama without two kids who think they're the boss!  Bridget relishes any opportunity to be in charge, and has created many games that, coincidentally, leave her playing the principal, the mommy, the bus driver, the get the drift.  She's lucky she has two willing participants!

Yesterday was Bridget's orientation and a parent meeting. I wasn't worried about Bridget playing nicely in the Starlite Room during my meeting, but I was worried about wrangling the twins and Mary while getting to know the other parents. As it turned out, the twins were fairly quiet, only occasionally coming out of whisper mode with their, "No! I'm the mommy! You're the baby." Back and forth while shoving graham crackers in each others' mouths :) And Mary cried -- gasp! So much for all of my bragging about what an easy baby she is!

Of course, we couldn't leave without a picture. This is Bridget we're talking about, after all. And she needed to have a picture of her block creation. So I took this while I tried to keep Tessa from stuffing little wooden bears in her pockets. Little klepto! Meanwhile, Annie is already earning a reputation from all of the teachers as the Stecher spitfire. I can't really disagree with that assessment!

The 3 middle kids :) It doesn't look like too bad of a gig.

- posted from my handy-dandy iPhone, with Blogpress

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