Monday, September 12, 2011

The Fruit of Our Labor

We decided to really get into the spirit of Labor Day last weekend, and do some hard labor around the house.  And when I say "we," I mean Matt!  Since he made the mistake of asking me if there was anything I wanted to get done over the weekend, I immediately suggested that he do a project that's been on our to-do list for a while: creating frames for our bathroom mirrors.  (Matt was super excited about this!! This was going to be way more fun than watching football!)

Although we finished remodeling this bathroom shortly after the twins were born, we never quite finished the mirrors.  I had wanted framed mirrors, but we got these large ones with the intent that they would be temporary, and that we'd buy nicer ones when we had the money.  Well, over two years later, they were still bugging me every time I walked into the room.  They just looked so boring and unfinished to me, and there's always something more important to spend that money on in this house!

So, while I occupied our dress-up crew with coloring, Matt got to work.

Actually, they "helped" him a little.

We're all pretty happy with the result.  Even Matt, who thought they looked "fine" before, admitted that it was a good idea. 

And, the girls are in love with their handy daddy's work.  Or, in love with looking at themselves in the new mirrors...

some more than others!


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