Thursday, September 1, 2011


Nowhere in our kindergarten handbook did we receive information on how to handle a situation like this.

In the middle of dinner tonight, after Megan filled us in on what she did away from the house for 6.5 hours, she suddenly became extremely giddy but shy at the same time, and then dropped this bomb:

"Okay, I'm not sure how to really tell you this, so I'll just say it right now.  Well, Brendan asked me to be his girlfriend, and well, I said YES!  Do you believe that?!"

Homeschooling is looking pretty good right about now.

I guess I'm being kind of a killjoy considering how excited she was at this little conversation (I mean, if she could write, she'd probably be under her covers with a flashlight right now documenting this in her diary), but in kindergarten??  I don't even want the words boyfriend and girlfriend to be part of her vocabulary..  Maybe when she's, oh, 21.  Maybe. Since when is 5 the new 21?  And, how young is too young to enter the convent?


Moriah said...

Get used to it. Both Lexi and Joe received multiple marriage proposals in Kindergarten. By Third grade, however, boys and girls mutualy think the opposite sex is didgusting.

Sara said...

OMG!!! No way! That is crazy! (I'm mostly laughing because I cannot even imagine Joey asking this question!) who gets to chaperone their first date??

Lori said...

OMG! I'm shocked! Not that Megan is sought after, of course, as she is adorable... but boyfriend/girlfriend stuff in kindergarten???