Friday, October 23, 2009

Seriously, Seven Months?

Annie (left) and Tessa (right)

Has it really been that long? And, could the babies be any more serious looking here?

Two smiles, at the same time, is asking a bit much these days.

At seven months we have one crawler (Annie), one big fan of solid food (Tessa), two happy and mellow babies, two good sleepers!!!!, and two very rested parents :)

It's been a long seven months in a lot of ways! We finally started sleep training the babies a little over a week ago, and they've responded really well. They usually sleep through the night after I nurse them for the last time around 9:30 or 10pm. Every night is different, but we're working on just letting them cry if they wake up after that. Very hard!! But, not as hard as nursing basically all night long, which is what I had been doing. I'm getting used to real sleep without a baby attached to me :) It's nice.

In other sleep news: The babies are not only sleeping through the night --- they are also no longer swaddled, and they're in their new cribs! And, they put themselves to sleep pretty well, too :)

Hopefully, we have a good month of sleep before teeth start coming in. Yikes!

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