Friday, October 9, 2009

Mission: Potty Training

Our latest challenge (whether we chose to accept it or not!) was potty training Bridget. She's 27 months today - the same age that Megan was when she was potty-trained. So, we thought we'd give it a whirl.

At this point I should remind you that Megan's potty training week put me at a stress level of about 10 (on a scale of 1 to 10) and at multiple points during that week, I thought to myself, "If this is what potty training is like, and you have to go through this with every kid, I seriously don't know if I want more kids." Potty training is way worse than labor and delivery, in my opinion, and pretty much the hardest thing I've faced as a parent so far. So, what do we do? We have twins, and commit ourselves to a double dose of potty training hell in about 2 years. Great.

But, I digress. Back to our newly potty-trained Bridget. Not so stressful this time around, amazingly. I'm slowly losing my sensitivity to stress, it seems. We did have a lot of accidents, and I definitely lost my cool many times, but just a week after we started, Bridget is doing very well. I don't think she's had an accident for the last 4 or 5 days.

Our secrets to success this time around?

**Note: Poop mentioned below, reader beware!

  1. A very good little girl who is very eager to please.

  2. A big sister who sets a great example and even takes Bridget to the bathroom when I can't get her in time. (Yesterday, Megan yelled from the bathroom while I was nursing both babies, "Mommy, Bridget just pooped on the potty, and I wiped her. Oh, wait, I got a little bit on my hand. Oh, Bridget, we need to get wipety wipes for our hands. Hold on. Don't worry, Mommy, we're taking care of it.")

  3. A Tinker Bell Pez dispenser with lots of Pez to go with it.

  4. Lots of books next to the potty.

  5. Two packs of Tinker Bell undies. With eight in each pack, you'd think that would be enough. Not so much. Luckily, Bridget is agreeable to wearing "bloomers," too. I think that's the right word for the little diaper cover that comes with all dresses. At any rate, as long as Bridget doesn't have to wear Megan's undies, she's happy.

  6. Of course, my little Fisher-Price Potty for the car, without which I'm not sure what I'd do. With this round of potty training, I couldn't exactly hole up at home for a solid week like we did with Megan. So, Bridget is in the car a lot, going here and there, and she and I both need to be flexible when she says she needs to go pee. Luckily, she has been able to wait while I set up the potty, which is so great!!!

  7. A Piddle Pad in her car seat, just in case. No accident in there so far, but the last thing I need to add to my to-do list is washing her car seat cover. Not only do I not have time for that, but, ew.

Updated pictures of the girls' new room are on their way! They have a new rug that was waiting for an accident-free Bridget before it was unrolled. Stay tuned :)


Rachel said...

Sounds like she is doing great!

We are knee deep in potty training over here too!

The Press Family said...

That's awesome, but it sounds exhausting! I can't imagine all the stuff you must have to pack in your car before going you have to remember a toilet, change of clothes, piddle pads....omg. I think I'm glad I have boys and HOPE they learn to pee in parking lots...Ha...yep, I guess I'll be THAT mom. Don't judge! lol

Sara said...

I'm *that* boy mom, too!! Not looking forward to potty training a girl!!

Go Bridget!!

Romios Family said...

Wow, this mission is going a lot better than our mission for sure. Of course maybe the problem is I am keeping him in pullups and not real undies?

Also, where did you get the blue rug for the room? I want to get one like that. It looks SO soft!

Shawna said...

Craigslist for the rug - it's super soft!!