Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome Home, Mary!

Since Mary's delivery was our fourth, and my recovery has been a breeze, we decided to high-tail it out of the hospital as soon as we were cleared, which meant we were let loose when she was only 1.5 days old.  I know that sounds crazy, but we really wanted to be home!  I mean, if I'm going to be up in the middle of the night nursing a baby, I want to watch my DVR'd shows, not something random on the hospital TV :)  And Mary needed to be introduced to her crazy household sooner than later -- we wouldn't want her to get used to the quiet or anything!

Before leaving the hospital, we dressed Mary in her coming home outfit (who were we kidding even packing  a boy outfit in the hospital bag??) and took some last pictures before she came home. 

More than anything, we wanted to get home to all of our big girls, and relieve some of the workload for Mop, who was working overtime.  So, we came home late Tuesday night, and the girls were all thrilled to wake up to see their new baby sister on Wednesday morning.  They took turns sneaking down to our bedroom for a chance to sit on our bed and hold Mary for a picture.  It was really sweet that they each had a few minutes to really meet her.

Later that morning, while Mop and I took Mary for a weight check at the pediatrician (still 7 pounds, 15 ounces - holding strong very close to her birth weight of 8 pounds, 7 ounces), the big girls proved
that they're still our babies too, and that they all used to sleep in the same bassinette, some longer ago than others!

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