Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fun in the Sun

In our effort to find some true summer heat last week, I headed down the peninsula to the Rinconada Pool in Palo Alto with my friend Dana and her kids, and succeeded in enjoying some heat, the best toddler pool ever, and, even better, no water birth!  Managing seven kids five and under poolside was a major feat for Dana and me, but it worked wonderfully.  It helped a little that her 15-month-old can swim a few feet underwater on her own!!!  So, we kind of didn't need to worry as much about her :)

It was my first time wearing a swimsuit in a while.  In fact, as we were getting dressed for the day, the girls were a little thrown off by my attire.  Or, maybe they didn't know swim suits were made that large.  Either way, me going swimming with them was pretty novel.  Novel enough that I agreed to a picture, as long as the girls completely surrounded me :)

Megan and Paige were little fish at this pool!  They never got tired of jumping in and out of the water, or of the little water slide that shoots kids into 3 feet of water.  It was the perfect height for Megan to land under water, but still right herself on her own and touch the ground.  She was so confident in this pool, thanks in large part to her lessons!

Bridget and her buddy Jimmy were more content taking breaks now and then.  It wasn't a big surprise to see Bridget behave like this around the water, but I'm glad she found a kindred spirit in Jimmy!

And, the twins were pretty happy all day, sliding and wading in the water.  I did make them wear life jackets for most of the day, which wasn't the biggest hit.  The "gobbles," which I only had one pair of, of course, were a bigger hit, though!  Tessa's a little happier in this picture :)

If I wasn't worried about going into labor so far away from the house, I would be heading to this pool mach more often! 

1 comment:

martha said...

You really are amazing! Good luck in the next couple of days!