Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Little Swimmer

Okay, so she's not quite swimming independently yet.  But, Megan's made a lot of progress in the last few weeks of swimming lessons at SI.  No one is more excited than me to be done with the daily trek for her 30-minute lesson each weekday.  Four weeks of running out of the house with all four girls, keeping the other three from drowning while outfitting Megan near the pool with her goggles, observing the lesson for a very short half-hour, and then shuttling everyone home afterwards is too much for this pregnant mom right now.   And, for the last two weeks, since we began potty training, we've worked in at least one trip to the fun bathrooms at SI each day, whether or not anyone really needed to go ;)  So much for a relaxing summer break!

After four weeks of daily lessons, Megan has proved that she:
  • loves the individual attention of being the only one to go swimming!
  • loves her "stripey" swimsuit! Thanks, Aunt Sara!
  • doesn't mind the frigid temperature of the water at SI
  • is definitely mature enough for these big kid lessons.  Thanks to Daddy working at SI, she snuck into a program that is really just for the 6 and up set.
  • can't wait to jump off of the high dive!
  • has mastered putting her head under water, both with her trusty goggles and without.
  • jumps from the edge, kicks, floats and "swims" like a pro, all with assistance from one of her high-school age instructors (most notably her favorite named Megan)
  • Of course, while all of this swimming was going on daily, the little girls and I got to watch from a glass-enclosed observation area above the pool.  The twins had a blast knocking on the glass constantly, yelling, "Hi, Megan! I see you!"  Bridget enjoyed dressing up each day and bringing a different toy to share with another swimmer's younger sister.  She can't wait to join in the swimming fun herself, though.

I think the highlight for all four girls, though, was just being at Daddy's school daily, and running around like maniacs on the stairs and ramps outside of the gym before finally getting back in the car.  Here they are playing on the ramp to the tennis courts. 

Maybe we'll make swimmers out of these city kids after all!

- posted from my handy-dandy iPhone, with Blogpress

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