Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mary Adele is Here!

Five girls!

Our little surprise baby has arrived, and she's a girl!!

Weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces, Mary Adele is 20 inches long and the jury's out on who she resembles. It changes hourly, but today, at nearly 3 days old, she now looks the most like Megan at the same age.

As for Megan, who was adamant we were having a boy, there have been no hard feelings about not having a "boy sister."

We've been home 24 hours now, and Mary is pretty popular around here. The girls are in love! We've got lots more photos to share, just as soon as I have a chance to sit down to the computer. For now, these phone pictures will have to do.

And, finally, all of our girls!

- posted from my handy-dandy iPhone, with Blogpress


Sara said...

Can't wait to see more photos!

Rachel said...

Congrats again Shawna!!