Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer In (And Out Of) The City

Summer in San Francisco.

This is usually the time of year that we head out of the city as much as possible to escape the fog and find some nice, dry heat and water! I've been here for over 10 years, and I'm still not used to the fact that we never have a true, hot summer. I really miss the sprinklers, backyard pool, hot pavement and 100+ temperatures I experienced as a kid, even more so now with our own kids. We usually spend a few weeks in Tahoe to get out of the fog, but this summer will be a little different due to my delicate condition :).  So, we're forced to stay a little closer to home.

We have been lucky in the last few weeks, though, to head out of town to both the east bay and then Sacramento, and we enjoyed every extra degree in temperature!! We soaked up the sun at Brandon and Brianna's birthday party in hot, hot Loomis,

where we also managed to get all of the Raley cousins together for a picture.

These girls were pooped by the time we left for the drive home!

Amazingly, though, we've had a few of our own hot days at home, too. It's always a very pleasant surprise when the fog burns off and it's actually nice. Nice enough for water balloons,

playing outside on our slide that's too small for 3 and 5-year-olds,

but perfect for little ones playing with the hose,

and even a backyard picnic and swimming in the baby pool.

We bought this pool the other day day on a whim. It will be worth it, even though it will probably only make a few appearances in the yard. As much as I love taking the girls anywhere with water, it can get a little dicey if it's anywhere besides a splash park. Actual deep water with all four is a little past my capabilities, even for this former lifeguard, who happens to be as slow and as big as a whale right now.. So, water in our backyard it is!!

Here's hoping for some more hot days in our own backyard!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucy could be a triplet with your two. She got the same red and blue swimsuit. Good color combo!