Friday, July 15, 2011

Bridget's Big 0-4

We seem to have a knack for having babies right after our other little one's birthdays.  Megan's 3rd birthday was 10 days before the twins were born, and Bridget's 4th was days before Five is due to arrive.  In both cases, I was not prepared to host a big party at our house!  I was so grateful to Grandma and Grandpa Stecher for hosting Megan's party, and now am indebted to Matt's Aunt Anne (Auntie Anne, if you ask the girls) for offering to host a Stecher July birthday party at her house, complete with swimming for the kids.  We all had a blast, and Bridget still felt like a little princess.
We did make a cake for our birthday girl, complete with a rainbow, her current obsession.  ("Mommy, when are you going to buy rainbow nail polish for me?"  "Mommy, if the baby is a girl, we can name her Rainbow."  "Can you knit me a rainbow blanket?"  "We should paint the kitchen rainbow." I could go on.)  Rainbows are also pretty fascinating to the twins, who are now experts at colors, too!  So, Bridget was delighted with her (very amateurly decorated) cake made by Mommy, and even posed with it on the morning of her party.


Once we arrived at Anne's, the girls wasted no time getting lathered in sunblock and jumping in the pool.  But, true to form, Bridget demurely exited the pool after about 20 minutes.  She's just not as into the water as the other three, and can often be found sitting poolside, quietly waiting for the next activity,

or hamming it up for the camera.

Meanwhile, Megan stayed in the pool for the entire afternoon, taking long enough breaks to scarf down little hot dogs (this was a Stecher party!!) and baby carrots.  Her swimming lessons, while not shaping her into an Olympic swimmer - yet! - have completely transformed her confidence in the water.  She loves it, and her enthusiasm has managed to spread to Tessa and Annie.

Finally, Bridget's favorite moment arrived - present time!!  She was dressed again and ready to tear open some gifts,

and blow out some candles.

I think she had an okay time.  She looks just a little happy in this picture, doesn't she? ;)

But, the fun didn't end there.  She woke up the next morning for her actual birthday.  We gave her presents that night, along with some rainbow sherbet left over from the party, but the highlight was definitely the robe she received that day in the mail from Aunt Jenny.  As if we didn't already suspect we had a little movie star in the making...

Happy Birthday, little Bridget!

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