Friday, May 1, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

No one is more surprised than me to discover, with the addition of the twins, that I still have a little downtime during the day (two hours when everyone is napping, if I'm lucky!). But, I also have a little one-on-one time with Megan and Bridget occasionally. Bridget woke up early from her nap recently to help me get things ready for dinner (I love casseroles!), and she and I bonded a little. And, I took a couple pictures. Yes, there are many things wrong with these pictures:
a) the fact that Bridget still has a post-nap bottle

b) she still uses a pacifier

c) she's sitting on the kitchen counter - so safe!

d) and the kitchen is in DESPERATE need of HGTV or some other kind of miracle.

Good thing I'm not a celebrity. Suri Cruise has been villified in US Weekly for just one of the above offenses.


Romios Family said...

Ha, Suri Cruise villified line is killing me. You are so on top of things! I am impressed. Makes me want to have three kids. Taki is not a fan. I may have to stop reading your blog.

Moriah said...

I can totaly empathize with the kitchen conundrum. Mine is awful. Hate every inch of it!