Monday, May 4, 2009

One for the baby book

It's time to dust off those baby gates - we have a roller!

(Okay, there will be no dusting. It's only been about three months since we finally felt comfortable with Bridget on the stairs. They've been an almost constant fixture in our house for almost three years now. And, they'll get their third go-round pretty soon! We're trying to get our money's worth on all of our baby equipment by having as many kids as we can.)

Tessa rolled over from her stomach to her back - twice! Or was it Annie? I'm questioning everything now :) Definitely Tessa. It's kind of crazy to see such a small baby do this. But, at six weeks, she doesn't hold the record in our family. Megan rolled over at three weeks, believe it or not. (It's OK - our pediatrician didn't believe it either, so we had Megan perform at her one month appointment. We took her on the road with that act for a few months.)

Okay, bragging over.

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