Saturday, January 12, 2013

Park Play

This post is brought to you by my iPhone 5, without which I would have no pictures of this impromptu after-school park visit.  I am so grateful for the technology that allows me to capture pictures at any time, whether or not I have my "big" camera along.  And the pictures are so clear!!  Before I upgraded my phone, the pictures from my old phone were bad.  These are great, and show just how excited the girls were to be surprised with a park trip.

At almost 18 months (eek!!), Mary is no longer content to just hang out in the stroller while the girls play.  She wants out, and furthermore, she doesn't want in to begin with.  She is so squirmy and demanding nowadays when confined to the stroller, and we didn't even use it for this park trip.  She was free as a bird, and loved every minute of it.  She now knows the word "park" and if we ask her if she wants to go to the park, she grunts, "Yuh!!"

Look, pretty darn happy to be set loose!  I love this picture!

Of course, we had clambered back into the van, mostly unwillingly, before I realized that I didn't get any cute pictures of Tessa.  That's what I get for trying to keep Mary alive, help with monkey bars and push girls on swings, all the while trying to take pictures.  One girl slipped through the cracks.  Here she is in her car seat saying "thank you" to me for taking her to the park.

Anytime, Tessa!

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