Saturday, January 12, 2013

Little Angels

December was a busy month for us, and one of my favorite moments was the night of the girls' Christmas pageant and choral performance.  Everyone got dressed up to head to St. Stephen for the two shows.  Bridget's kindergarten class put on a nativity musical that was adorable, and Megan's class joined the rest of the school in a lengthy (read: only parents can appreciate it) Christmas carol performance.  It all started at the girls' normal bedtime, so we're lucky we survived with no serious meltdowns in our entourage!  

I managed to get a few pictures of Tessa (in red) and Annie  (in green) dressed up before we left.  These remain some of the only pictures of the girls in their Christmas dresses...a serious mom fail on my part!  Christmas Eve came and went without any pictures of this cuteness x 5.  Ah well.  I guess this blog o' pictures slightly makes up for one occasion without the camera.

Bridget made the cutest little angel for her play!  I snapped these pictures in her kindergarten classroom before the entire "cast" headed to the hall to perform.  Bridget had practiced all of her songs and was a pretty confident actress.  All of that line memorizing effort has since been redirected toward learning Taylor Swift's lyrics, for better or for worse :/

Megan (with her little friend Bryn) was excited to see Bridget perform the same play she did last year.  And although she was happy here, it took a lot of wrestling and tears earlier that evening to get Megan to wear this cute dress.  Bridget will gladly wear anything we ask her to, and with a smile.  Megan, on the other hand, is so finnicky about what she thinks looks "weird." or too "fancy."  (She was convinced no one would be wearing tights, for example.)  I may have to take her on a special shopping trip to pick out her own outfit for the next special occasion, instead of expecting her to wear whatever I say, or whatever we inherit in the way of hand-me-downs.  Sigh.  My dictatorship is cracking, I suppose ;)

Bridget did a great job singing with her angel posse!

How could she not with this supportive crowd?  And Grandma and Grandpa were there, too!


Megan's show started afterwards in the church.  We were in the way back on account of being part of the kindergarten crowd, so Megan was a little speck in the middle of the bottom row that we observed from a distance.

Well, we were also watching this little one in the pew with us, as well as three other little monkeys.  

The girls were so proud of their performances, and it was a special way to kick off the holidays.  We'll be attending more than a few more of these over the next several years (15, I think?), and we're thinking that Mary just might get the lead in the kindergarten play, based on her name alone :)

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