Friday, September 18, 2009

Tessa and Annie are 6 months old!

It's crazy that 6 months have passed already! The twins had their 6 month check-up today - they're not quite as chunky as we thought they would be. They're in the 25th percentile for both height and weight, with Annie at 14 pounds, 8 ounces and Tessa at 15 pounds even. What a difference to bring them to the doctor today compared to their first appointments when they were so tiny and I was till getting used to everything x 2. Today they were playful little babies, rolling all over the table and giggling for the doctor. We've all come a long way!

Here's to another wonderful six months, full of more sleep for everyone, and a lot of big firsts! Crawling is coming very soon, incredibly, and we are not ready for it. Wish us luck!



How cute are those little Baby Legs, by the way? I love those things. Thanks Sara!! Here's a closeup because I just can't resist those chunky legs right now:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your girls are all so cute! And I love Babylegs too - they come in handy in Chicago :) Hope you all are well!
Therese (and Sean, Frances and Evie)