Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 1 of Davis Duty

So, we have a fifth little being to look after this week. And, on second thought, he's not really that little. He's over 100 pounds, and sheds almost that much hair daily. He's Davis, Sara and Tim's dog. Megan and Bridget (especially Bridget!) are super excited to take care of Davis, and we've already had some interesting conversations about him.

Bridget: "What happened to Davis' (bandaged up) foot?"
Me: "He got a little scratch on his foot."
Bridget: "Oh. Can I see?"
Me: "Not right now. He has a little band-aid on it right now."
Bridget: "Oh. But, Mommy, what happened to Davis' foot???"
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Megan: "Mommy, why is Davis sleeping again?"

Bridget: "Come here, Davis." Try to imagine a little girl flirting with a dog. I think that's what we have going on over here right now.

Bridget: (patting Davis on the back) "I know, I know, Davis. Aunt Sara's coming."

Not a moment too soon. Totally kidding ;)


Moriah said...

What did they do with their other dog? And if you like the dog experience, I can send you my doggie!

Anonymous said...

Sleeping?? Davis mustn't have been informed as to protocol in the Stecher home. Jake could liven things up for the girls, if you'd like to throw him into the mix, also.