Friday, September 11, 2009

Yep, I'm THAT mom

So, Megan is starting preschool next week, and she is very excited! She's prepared, with her new backpack, new school shoes, and a list of everything she can't wait to do: painting, play-doh, reading, you name it.

This stands in stark contrast to my overall lack of preparedness for the "parent orientation" today at her school. I began by going to the orientation on the wrong day - I went with the MWF crowd when I should have gone with the Tues./Thurs. crowd. I realized the mix-up late last night, but decided to go anyway this morning. Then, it took me forever to get there. I totally underestimated how long it would take me drive there, but managed to find a parking spot and walk up to the school only a couple minutes late. I realized my third offense when I saw parents approaching the school with kids in tow. Oops. Out of a handful of parents who assumed that the "parent" orientation was for parents only, I was the only one who wasn't able to just call and have my child meet me there in a couple minutes. Since Megan was back at the house with Grandma and three younger kids, that wasn't really going to happen. So. I trudged through an orientation without my kid, meeting parents who I will never see since their kids are in a different class. Nice.

Megan's going to have to do a helluva job making up for the first impression I left there.

1 comment:

Moriah said...

Thank God it's not just me!!!