Friday, September 11, 2009

Adventures in Dogsitting Continued

I think Davis must sense my impatience with all of the hair and all of the sweeping and all of the vacuuming. Or, he realizes that his hair loss and my massive hair loss of late are just too much for our little household to handle. Either way, he's decided to contribute to the clean-up. Last night I swept up a pile of his hair in the kitchen, turned around to get the dustpan, and spun back around to find him dutifully licking up the pile himself. Not sure if this is common - all you dog people, can you confirm?? It does explain how his own hair ends up in his water bowl.



sammyeug said...

Hehe I have never heard of that happening! Jerry eats some pretty gross stuff but not his hair piles that I am aware of. How long are you watching Davis? How did you not get both hounds :) ? Where is Jake?

Unknown said...

Davis probably smelled a tiny crumb in the hair pile and decided it was worth the hairball to get the crumb. Knowing Davis...

Unknown said...

And I'm really hoping we get to see a picture of Davis with a tutu or princess dress on. Or sitting at a tea party? Maybe a tiara?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking along the same lines as Meredith. Surely Davis found that one crumb that fell on the kitchen floor. ( Jake says, "Yo!".)

Sara said...

Ooh, you did miss a golden opportunity for a photo op, Shawna!! Thanks again!