Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wait, No Uniform?!

Megan and Bridget just finished a special week at school.  It was Catholic Schools Week, and each year there are different themes for every day of the week.  Monday was Pajama Day.  Ah, if only every day could be pajama day!  In solidarity, the twins and Mary all stayed in their pajamas too.  Our biggest troubles that morning were making sure that Mackenna and Kit (the girls' American Girl dolls)  were dressed in their matching pajamas.

Tuesday was a regular uniform day because the entire school went to mass, so I didn't take a picture of the status quo.  But, I did take a picture of these three before we headed to Costco.

Although the girls had a normal uniform day, they had a very special treat that afternoon when they came home to a painting party!  This killed approximately 5 seconds and made for some happy girls  :)

Tuesday was Superhero Day.  Bridget had planned her outfit the night before, and slipped on her Supergirl costume bright and early.  She embraced this persona for the day, and even fashioned a paper and tape (of course!) computer that helped her fly by the end of the day :)  I should note that this is the same costume she wore for Halloween when she was 3!  It still fits her very well, as do many clothes in size 3 :)

As you can see in the above pictures, Megan wasn't as stoked about dressing up, yet again.  She really wanted to just wear her uniform, which they can do if they don't want to participate in the theme.  But, at the last minute, she agreed on a hint of superhero by wearing her Wonder Woman boots with her uniform.  She was more than a little crabby that morning.

Bridget was not, and she was still in a Super mood after school, pretending to talk on my phone.  

We also had a lurking superhero at home, too -- Tessa.

The next day was Crazy Day.  This was right up Bridget's alley, and she tried to be as crazy as she could with mismatched shoes, a backwards shirt, plaid with flowers, and mismatched leggings!  Given more time, I'm sure she would have thrown more layers on.  But, in our usual fashion, we were running late (with bagels in hand for the car ride) and her craziness may have been stifled a bit.  Megan, on the other hand, is sooo not crazy.  When I blearily stumbled up to their bedroom to check on their crazy dressing process, Megan proudly showed me two mismatched shoes --- a dark pink Converse and a red Converse.  I don't think the difference in those colors is visible to 9 out of 10 people.  But, in Megan's mind, this was CRAZY!  I gently suggested she turn her shirt around, and she even hesitated before she did that.  Her final crazy move was wearing a headband with a ponytail.  She is definitely living on the edge, that one :)  It's funny to see how different these girls are!

Megan will be happy to go to school on Monday and wear exactly what she always wears.  She won't have to worry about standing out in the crowd or drawing attention.  And Bridget will be biding her time until she can express herself again!

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