Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to Matt!

It's rare that Matt gets any face time on here, but what better time to have a post be all about him than on his birthday?!  (Okay, it was a more than a week ago.  But, I do have a few other things to do besides blog!)  His birthday was mid-week, but I wanted him to have one of his favorite meals:  lamb chops with mashed potatoes and creamed spinach.  Most weekday dinners are a bit of a hurried circus act here, and this was no exception.  The girls were about 50/50 on trying and liking the lamb, but Matt gladly ate anything the girls turned up their noses at. Grandma and Grandpa joined us for this tiny party, and it was just perfect!

Happy Birthday (38!) to the guy that does stuff like this all of the time, and even better, acts like it's no sweat!

He also packs lunches nearly every morning, fetches Mary when she wakes up, folds laundry, makes dinner half of the time, does baths and bedtime with me, never shirks diaper duty, picks up and drops off girls when his schedule allows, and tries to make every single game and practice for his adoring girls.  And, that's all in addition to everything he does outside of the house at his actual job!  I'm feeling like a slacker right now, so I should probably go be as productive as he is!

Happy Birthday, Matt!

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