Monday, August 22, 2011

Let the School Daze Begin!

It's official!  We have a kindergartner.  I know I should be happy and proud about this, but all I can do is gasp at how quickly the last five years have passed, and worry that the next several years will pass just as quickly...

But, I'll just focus on the cute right now.  Like this.  I'm pretty sure Megan had the biggest fan club in her schoolyard this morning.

And, speaking of mornings, I'm not quite prepared for this school year that will require me to be up and out of the house with five kids, one of whom needs to have a lunch that I will supposedly pack at some point, by 7:30am.  Yikes!!  Not only do I have a kindergartner, but I am suddenly a bona fide MOM!!  The lunch-making, car-schlepping, permission-slip signing type. Can't they just stay home with me forever?  OK, I guess they can, but then I'd be the homeschooling mom, and let's face it, that would be even more work for me!  Catholic school it is.

(Mommy is the guilty party responsible for these bangs.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah, the all white sneakers and saggy white tights take me back! Congrats Megan!