Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tessa and Annie - 20 months

I realize I'm on the verge of "by the month" overkill with the twins.  I think I can get away with a few more, though.  Maybe until they're two, and at that point, they're old. Too old for these milestone updates.  After all, by 20 months, Bridget and Megan were each child laborers mommy's helpers.  If I had blogged back then, I would have bragged about Megan throwing away Bridget's dirty diapers at 16 months.  Meanwhile, Bridget was babysitting two kids at 20 months.  Tessa and Annie have had it soo easy.  I can hear the future therapy conversations already.

But, back to our babies, who have nothing more to worry about than which doll to carry around, or which car seat they want to sit in.  No younger sibling vying for attention or needing a burpcloth.  Such is life when you're the youngest.  At 20 months, the biggest change in our house has been the lack of baby gates on the stairs!!  We still use them occasionally, but only for the purpose of corraling kids, not protecting them.  The babies each have their own method for taking the stairs.  Annie prefers to walk down while holding on to the railing, and Tessa slinks down on her tummy --- perfectly fitting of their personalities!

Other skills they're perfecting at 20 months include:

Hugging and kissing each other

Coloring, at the library and at home

(on the "hanging things" at the library - Bridget's words, not mine)

Sharing a doll cradle :)

Analyzing every Dora episode ever filmed.  She is real, isn't she? ;)


Hangin' with the big girls for movie nights

Playing a game called How Many Objects Can I Fit In My Arms?


Romios Family said...

Wait - aren't our kids 20 months? And I am glad you are still doing this, I am going to post Olive's latest monthly too! :)

Shawna said...

I'm just behind, but I didn't realize I was that far behind! Yep, the girls are 20 months today!! Oops :)

Brenna Weatherby said...

So cute! I love the 4th picture of them kissing/snuggling each other!