Monday, November 1, 2010

Preschool Parade, Take One

Who says you only get to dress up on Halloween?  It's a week-long celebration here, with two days of preschool parades as a nice warm-up to the big day itself.  Our dynamic duo of superheroines granted me a few pictures before we left for the first parade.

This was Bridget's parade day, so we arrived at her classroom a litle early to be there for a special Halloween snacktime.  Once there, I put the Super Twins to work right away.  Here they are scoping out the room for any potential disasters, just waiting to step in and save the day. 
Bridget's class had their faces painted before the parade started. Here she is showing off her flower, and sporting a new expression that she thinks is really cute.  It's been making it on camera a lot lately. 
A slightly overwhelmed Super Girl during the parade:
Halfway through, Megan's class joined in, with Megan, the VIP of the week (a very special honor that she'll tell you all about if asked!), at the front of the line.  Her class of Starlite Room kids are the upperclassmen at Happy Times, and they really did sail in with some big kid airs. 
After the parade cleared out, and all possible dangers were thoroughly investigated, the Super Twins took a break for a picture with Mommy, AKA Super Mom. I couldn't resist ;)

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