Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Preschool Parade, Take Two

Our second preschool Halloween parade went a little differently than the first.  This was Megan's day, and Mop was on hand to watch the little girls while I went to see our big girl march.  Megan dressed as Belle this time ("Mommy, my class already saw me dress like Wonder Woman!!") thanks to our dress-up drawer that was at the ready with plenty of princess options.

So, she was dressed as a princess and got Mommy all to herself, but the best part of her day was the special guest I brought along to see her parade:

Cousin Joey!

These two have been best buddies since birth:

But, Joey's recent move to Moraga has put a serious dent in the time they spend with one another. It had only been a few weeks since they'd last seen each other, but you might think it was years by the way they reunited for Megan's parade!
And the car ride home was pure silliness with these two telling knock-knock jokes to each other.

Oh, yeah, and the parade shot! 

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love all of these pictures, but especially the most recent one!!