Monday, May 27, 2013

Sick Girls, Sunny Days and Sidewalk Art

We've recently been through the ringer with sickness around here. All five girls (thankfully, Matt and I stayed relatively healthy throughout!) suffered through a crazy virus that lasted more than a week for each girl. Annie was the first, and she was actually diagnosed with pneumonia! We thought we were out of the woods by the time she finished her antibiotics and recovered, but that was just crazy thinking on our part! Each girl came down with the same virus, although they didn't develop pneumonia, and they were not all sick at the same time. That would be too convenient. They each wanted their own sick days, complete with high fevers for an entire week and a barking cough that lasted at least 2 weeks. As a family, we were sidelined for a whole month. We didn't want to spread this any further, so we barely left the house, and only healthy girls went to school. I never thought I would say this, but I think it would have been easier to have them all sick at the same time, even if it was with a stomach virus. At least we would have been back to normal within two days.

Things were very sleepy and lethargic around here for that month:

And when the crew was up for being outside, we stuck to our driveway...and got creative.

I'm not sure what the neighbors thought as they walked down the street in front of our house, but Megan
wanted to give them a few ideas. "Write your name anywhere you want on our driveway and enjoy the art." Hmmm. We didn't get any extra names :)

Our weekday media rule went out the window during this sick month, and I have to admit that we're struggling to return to normal in that department. I've never been so well-acquainted with Jake and the Neverland Pirates or Sophia the First. Here are some very subdued girls agreeing on a show:

And, why oh why did the few sunny days we'll get this year happen to coincide with our quarantine?! I recall an 80 degree day somewhere in that fog of a month. We won't see that again for a very long time! The girls made the most of our little heat wave though.

I'm happy to report that we're all better now. And while basketball, hula hoops and sidewalk art are still popular pastimes, we can now take advantage of options beyond our driveway!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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