Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bruce Mahoney Sweep

It's that time of year again. Matt's started up with baseball and we both have less time and energy. Blogging has gone by the wayside for me. I'll try to catch up with all of the important stuff, but I have to start with our annual trek to AT&T Park to watch SI beat Sacred Heart in their big match-up. This was the third event in a series of three games played every year to compete for the coveted Bruce Mahoney trophy. This year, SI had already beat SH in basketball and football, so they were looking for a sweep with a baseball win, too. They've been playing at the Giants stadium for the past few years, and it's always so fun to see the boys play in their literal "field of dreams," and see Matt coach out there, too!

Walking in, Tessa and Annie actually held hands! They don't really do this very often so I had to get a picture. And, I didn't even notice until I looked at these pictures that they had coordinated wearing matching backpacks and their new "beach bags" (thank you, Aunt Jenny!). They were all full of very important objects, of course!

Luckily, the USF baseball coach arrived at the same time as our little menagerie, and offered to take a picture of all of us. How rare is this photo with me and all five girls?! And, I kind of forced the girls to wear red and blue. Tessa did sneak in some offending green, but that's okay.

Once inside, we got a ton of help in the way of lap room and endless escorts to the bathroom by Grandma and Grandpa!

It will come as no surprise that the novelty of waving and screaming "Hi Daddy!" wore off quickly. All too soon, all five were complaining about how hot it was, spilling my $5.00 Coke, fighting over the one $5.00 lemonade we bought, and wondering what they could possibly do for the rest of the game!

Hopefully, they enjoyed it a little bit! It's not every kid that gets to root for their daddy's team at a major league ballpark!

And SI won, which made the day all that much sweeter!

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