Thursday, June 30, 2011

Four Girls at Play

Maybe I'm just being sentimental as our era with four little girls is nearing an end, but I can't resist collecting  pictures of all four girls playing together, and putting them all in one place.  We're so lucky that they do play together nicely (most of the time), and seem to enjoy almost all of the same activities.  There's something very unique about them being all girls and so close in age.  They all even get a kick out of the same cartoons (no eye-rolling at "baby shows" yet, although I'm sure that is coming soon).  They all love everything princess, playing school, playing doctor, reading, playing with baby dolls, coloring, tea parties, and dancing -- really, everything girl!  In no particular order, these are the things I've captured them all doing lately:


Reading books (in various states of undress)

Huddling in some sort of secret club on the front walk

The beginning of a tea party

Playing with Little People post-bath

Hard at work coloring in the kitchen

Getting some use from our long-neglected treadmill

Having a dance party on the hot tub cover

Playing "train" on the slide

Of course, we'll have many more pictures of our five playing together, hopefully just as nicely.  I'm really wondering whether there will be cars and trains in those pictures, though!

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