Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Allow me to introduce our two little walkers!!

Since Annie was the first to perfect this new skill, she can go first. This seems only fair, since Tessa will always be Baby A/the "oldest." So far Annie has managed to wiggle herself into the number one position with the first tooth, crawling, and now walking. That's my Baby B!

Here goes...

She's obviously very proud of herself!

And, now, Tessa's turn:
Lookin' cute,

"Is anyone watching this? Are you getting this?"

and, bam!!
They are both walking, but one is a little steadier than the other. InTessa's defense,she has a little more chub to move around, so she's doing her best!

All of that activity can make a baby tired!! I had to take a picture of this. This is honestly the first time I've ever had a baby fall asleep in something other than what they should be sleeping in. I thought I'd have plenty of pictures like this by now, but none of the girls have ever fallen asleep in the exersaucer, jumperoo or highchair until this shot. I was making breakfast in the kitchen, and came back into the dining room to find Annie like this. Tessa did the same thing the very next day, but I don't have a picture.

Off to chase after these babies!!


Brenna Weatherby said...

How are you going to keep up with the two walkers? I'm shocked you've never had a baby fall asleep in a place other than where they're supposed to be falling asleep!

The Press Family said...

OHhhhh...good luck! You've gotta post a video! We are so similar, I've never let a baby fall asleep in anything else but the crib or carseat either. What's funny, too is my Baby B has been ahead of the game too...teeth, smiling, crawling, etc.