Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Words with the Girls

Since I can now blog from my phone, thanks to the blogpress app, I thought I'd give it a whirl by documenting what came out of the mouths of my babes today.

Motormouth Bridget, peeking her head into the babies' room for the third time while I put them down for their morning nap: "Mommy, Megan's pretending this (princess snack container) has gum inside. Can I pretend I have a black circle on my nose? And can I pretend I'm a different girl? And can I pretend I'm Megan?"

Megan, as I'm checking the car before we go to the park today: "We have four hats for four girls?Why do we have four girls? Oh, because that's how God made us." (enter a content sigh and a happy smile on her face after answering her own question to her satisfaction)

Annie started walking on Friday!!

And, nothing new from Tessa besides more cuddles and lots of laughs.

I can grab pictures from my phone, too! Here's one of all four girls a couple days ago:

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Moriah said...