Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Blog Procrastination

As it turns out, I think the real reason I finally made the girls' comforters was to avoid the one thing I really don't want to do - blog about our Christmas festivities. It involves a lot of days and a lot of pictures which will take a long time - ugh. Which is why I'm here again with a non-Christmas blog.

The comforters were a big hit with the girls, I must say. I don't do very many things well around here, as they make painfully clear daily (No, Mommy!! Daddy gets me out of bed, not you! Daddy hands me my milk, not you! Daddy sits next to me, not you! And, my personal favorite from Megan recently: "I do like you, Mommy. But, I just like Daddy better." Ouch.) But, I'm happy to report a point in my column with this project. The girls immediately ditched their cherished blankets - the baby sized ones they've been sleeping with ever since they graduated from the sleepsack - faster than... I don't know, something really fast. They've either been really cold at night or they just couldn't wait to snuggle under something that I made for them. I'm going with the latter :)

Here's Megan showing off her new bedding. (Picture courtesy of Matt's new iPhone, which we are all in love with, and which Megan knows how to use already!)

(It was a Company Kids full-size comforter that I cut in half, removed a little bit of batting on each side, and ironed and sewed back up. The width on each one is exactly the width of their bunk, so no tucking in on either side. I love it!)

In other news, Tessa and Annie made it in for their 9 month check-up, a little late, at 9.5 months. They're still chunky, although I won't say that too much since Tessa immediately started crying when I called her chunky today!

Tessa: 19 pounds even (50th percentile)

Annie: 18 pounds, 4 ounces (30th percentile)

That's all - Christmas pictures are coming soon!


Moriah said...

Oh, thank God it's not just me! Everytime I think about doing the whole Blog/picture thing, I just can't bring myself to find the energy for it! I DO, however, love the comforter pic. VERY cute!!!!!

Sara said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see them in person! I think you've inspired me to dust off my sewing machine, too :)

stacy said...

You are way too creative !! LOVE the comforters ! seriously that you would find time to do that is amazing !! ....girls see you all the time, so of course they will take their awesome mommy for granted; until later when they come to their awe and appreciation of all that you have done for them !