Sunday, July 19, 2009

In the name of science

Our twin zygosity test arrived in the mail, and we wasted no time subjecting Tessa and Annie to some cheek swabbing. We wasted so little time that I wonder if we should have waited a couple of hours until after Tessa had nursed before we tried to take DNA from her mouth. Did her swab contain my DNA, thus totally compromising the test?

Yes, I realize my degree is in physiology, and I should know the answer to this question. I'll claim baby brain on this one, as I have for the last 4 years or so, since I've been either pregnant or nursing for that long. (This defense is especially appropriate when I have to really think about what month or day of the week it is. My new time management skills leave me an expert in how long it's been between feedings, diapers and naps, and completely at a loss when it comes to the blocks of time most people order their days by.)

So, compromised or not, we should get the results by next week. But, we'll be in Tahoe starting Friday, which will limit my blogging (I can sense your disappointment already!!) and our access to our mail box. We'll keep you posted!


Sara said...

I volunteer to pick up these important results and hand-deliver them to Tahoe... along with access to a laptop! :)

sammyeug said...

Yes please have Sara do that. Waiting is no fun. I can only imagine how hard it would be for you guys! What is your current thought identical/fraternal?

sammyeug said...

Aren't you back yet, I'm done waiting :)