Monday, June 17, 2013

Two of a Kind

The two bookends in our family, Megan and Mary, aka Big M and Little M, are not just little look-alikes. They're personalities are so similar, and they really are kindred spirits. Nothing soothes a dramatic, overly tired Megan like Mary wanting to play with her. And nothing makes Mary happier than seeing Megan walk in the door  after school.

They also both love to read!

Mary is very similar to Megan as a baby. She will sit and "read" a pile of books much like Megan did. A clear favorite is still "Goodnight, Gorilla." She can't get enough of this book! She also loves her big picture books full of "first words." I sure wish she would start saying some of those words!

Meanwhile, Big M can't get enough of her books, either. Toward the end of the school year, she finished the Ramona series (at a rate of a book a day!) and they took a lot out of her :) Something tells me these won't be the only shots I get of her fallen asleep while reading a good book!

She's also been caught on camera reading during Matt's baseball games :)

There are very few things Megan loves more than a trip to the bookstore, where she peruses to her heart's content! She reminds me of her Aunt Sara when she gets so lost in a book that she has no idea what's going on around her. We have to call her name a few times before she hazily emerges from her story.

She does put her book down for this little baby, though!

1 comment:

Sara said...

My favorite blog entry yet! Can Megan sprinkle some of that magic reading dust over here?