Monday, September 17, 2012

What's Happenin'

It's the everyday stuff I want to remember when I'm looking back on this blog years from now.  Even though we haven't done anything newsworthy the last few days, I of course still took pictures.

This is a typical scene around here.  The twins are getting into puzzles lately, which is so cute to watch!  In this sitting, they completed their Three Little Pigs puzzle three times in a row, handing each other pieces and chatting the entire time.  As a puzzle lover myself, I love that they each have a puzzle buddy perfectly suited for them.  It's one of many, many things that are awesome about being a twin!  Puzzles are more fun with your twin ;)

Meanwhile, poor little Mary is excluded, down on the ground with her foot dangling out of her pajamas, drinking her milk.  Poor, poor neglected baby.

"Hi, Mommy and Daddy.  Thanks for my new baby gate!"

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Were you expecting it to keep me safe?  Ha ha ha. What's your plan to keep me from toppling off this first step? You can start by not ever leaving my side.  Good luck getting anything done around here!"

Another typical scene: someone is always playing with little dolls or dollhouses in this house.  In this case, it's Annie, and she didn't even notice I was there when I snapped the picture, so lost she was in her little doll play.

Our piano also sees a lot of playtime:

Mary is realizing she can stand, and will actually do it for up to maybe 30 seconds.  Still not walking, but getting there.

Besides, aren't other people supposed to carry you or push you everywhere you need to go, anyway?

It's exhausting learning new things.

And, soccer started!  Both girls' practices and all games take place one block from our house, which means stroller time for Mary and bike-riding for the twins.  Score!

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