Thursday, January 12, 2012

Party Like it's 2011

New Year's Eve isn't the same as it used to be, that's for sure!  Most notably, Matt and I met on New Year's weekend in 1999.  I've really aged myself there!  I never could have imagined our life now, although I wouldn't have it any other way :) 

We started the celebrating this year with some morning lounging, before Megan headed off to a friend's birthday party.  When I talked with others moms at the party, I was a little relieved to discover that we weren't the only ones with no plans!

Well, we did have plans, but not of the adult variety.  We had a little kid fun planned for the evening.  Since Megan and Bridget are old enough to know what New Year's is all about, I wanted to celebrate a little bit. We brought the girls' easel out and played a pint-sized version of Win, Lose or Draw with them.  It was a blast, and just a peek into how much more fun we'll all have playing games together as they get a little older.  Of course, Megan and Bridget were all over this, but the twins were surprisingly good at it too. 


Lefty Tessa shows what she's made of.

Circle!  Right!  (Geometry is not a strong suit for her...yet!)

Annie's people continue to resemble strangle little aliens.


Then, our Chinese food came.  This part really was fun for us, since we didn't cook :)

Next, out came our blowers and poppers, and the girls watched the ball drop in eastern standard time, and that was definitely pushing the bedtime envelope around here.

It was fun.  Bridget's expression here suggests she's less then impressed.  I'm thinking they will all have slightly more exciting New Year's parties in their futures (like when they're about 27...) and I don't want to know anything about them!

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