Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday, and while it's hard to carve out time to appreciate that at 38 weeks pregnant, with the normal goings-on of four little ones, Matt and the girls made sure it was pretty special. I woke up to a round of "Happy Birthday, Mommy!" even from Tessa and Annie, who definitely grasp the birthday thing. They even get that Sara's birthday was today too, and that we're twins like them.

So far, my favorite present has been not delivering today!! Although, since the day is not over yet, and everything points to a very quick delivery this time around, I'm hoping I haven't spoken too soon on this point.

I actually had an appointment with my OB this afternoon, which is always a nice break. Hey, it's not a massage or anything, but it is time alone in the car and peace and quiet. I love it :). She examined me, and I'm 2 cm dilated, which means the baby could come any day, but she'd be surprised if I went any longer than a week more. Yikes!!

This will be our first non-induced (is that a word??) delivery, and I'm excited to see how it goes -- specifically, how fast!

- posted from my handy-dandy iPhone, with Blogpress

1 comment:

Moriah said...

For someone who is 38 wks pregnant, you look great! Can't wait to hear the news!!! Happy Birthday to both of my fav twins :)