Tuesday, May 3, 2011

School Pictures!

School pictures are in! This is highly anticipated in our house (okay, it's just me - I'm pretty sure Matt wasn't losing sleep over this), mostly because we get no proofs of the pictures before we buy a package.  I know -- it's a racket!  So, we buy the smallest package at $29, which is an expensive gamble considering the likelihood for a cute shot.  Megan had a cute shot last year, so I was hoping for a similar outcome this year for both girls.  I'm pretty happy with our cuties, and since the payments are non-refundable, I've decided it was totally worth the $29 for each girl.  (I can't not get the school pics.  I just can't.  I guess I'm sentimental like that.)

So, without further ado, here's the last school picture of Megan without a uniform on until 2020!  Since she's entering our parish's grammar school in the fall, she'll officially be a little Catholic schoolgirl next year. I think we might get tired of Megan's school pictures in the same navy sweater every year.  For now, she loves picking out her own clothes every day, and especially loves wearing pink! 

And, little Miss Bridget.  This picture pretty accurately portrays the "School Bridget."  She's as goofy and outgoing as can be at home, and is a ham for my camera, but is still a shy observer at school.  I'm not surprised that she looks so shy for this picture.  Still a framer, though :)


Romios Family said...

So cute! And they do the same thing at our school - total racket. I lucked out like you though - phew! :)

The Press Family said...

I didn't know you cut Meghan's hair! It looks so cute and I bet it's way easier to do in the the morning. Both girls pics turned out great and I agree, you MUST get the school pics. Even if they were horrible...those would be the ones to go in the wedding slideshow anyway, right?!?