The kids will play. And that includes Matt!
Matt had the girls to himself all day on Sunday while I went to my friend Lori's baby shower. I left at 9am and didn't return until 11pm. Obviously, he's very capable, but this is definitely the longest he's had all four by himself. I needn't have worried, since he had a whole day planned. He left the house shortly after I did and went to Central Park in San Mateo, where he took this picture with his phone. I think he was trying to document his stellar parenting!
He got all four girls swinging at the same time:
Then, they all hit McDonald's. (Not ideal, but who am I to judge? The guy in the window at the Burger King next to our house knows me a little too well.) After this, the details are a little murky. Somewhere between Mickey D's and home, Matt's parental compass went haywire. He took a sharp detour, and headed...straight to the pet store??!! Yep, you read that right. The pet store. I guess Matt was feeling like four little charges were a piece of cake. Why not add three more?
HAHAHA!!! LOVE IT! Better than guini pigs....
Great job Matt! Although the fish leave a little bit to be desired, couldn't you have gotten a dog or something?! :-)
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