Thursday, May 6, 2010

How To Get Anything Accomplished...

while holding two cranky babies:

The hours between 4pm and 6pm in our house are pretty brutal. Trying to accomplish anything with Tessa and Annie hanging on my legs and wanting to be held is...hard. Of course, this is the time when I really need to be doing things like starting dinner, getting snacks for the girls, cleaning up a little -- things that generally require the use of my hands. I've resisted this set-up for a while, mostly because I'm usually too frazzled from the crying to think about grabbing the Ergo from it's home in the van. But, today, I'm glad I did it.

I present my patented hands-free method for doing it all while soothing babies. I have Tessa on my back in my Ergo, and Annie up front in my new Infantino Wrap and Tie (a freebie from Infantino after their Slingrider recall - score!). I'm actually watering the lawn here --- it needed it, the babies were in need of fresh air, and I couldn't stomach The Barbie version of The Three Musketeers again, which was what the girls were watching post-nap today. So, outside we went. The babies caught the attention of more than a few passing cars who did a double take and stopped to chat, and our neighbor Al came out to take this picture.

No need to start that working out I've been thinking about lately. I'll just strap on these weights once a day and I'll be in shape for summer in no time :)

1 comment:

Sara said...

did you create your cute new header with them strapped in like that?? ;)