Monday, July 1, 2013

Meg's Hoops

We're deep into our summer activities right now, which seems as good a time as any to catch up on winter sports in this house. Yikes! I'm quite behind on anything that's taken place in the last six months or so (I do have a decent excuse, I suppose), but I can't document Bridget's basketball season without a post for Megan!

Megan is terrific at basketball! Of course I would say that, being her mom and all. But, I promise I'm not biased on this one. She loves this game and truly excelled at it this year. She understands the game so much more than she did in kindergarten, and she just exudes confidence and aggressiveness. It's so fun to watch! And trust me when I say I never thought I would consider basketball fun to watch. Parenthood really does change everything!

Megan was a top scorer on her team, and such a good hustler. She scored a handful of baskets each week, and her confidence kept growing. During her season, she loved shooting hoops during Bridget's practices, but especially loved the basketball hoop we got at our house halfway through her season! Every night she would ask to practice while I made dinner. Since the hoop is in our front yard, it has been a leap of faith to let her play out there unattended. It helps that, as I'm cooking, I can hear the "thump, thump" of the basketball to know she's still there. Bridget is allowed out there with her as well, so they feel like such big kids!

I just love the girls on Megan's team. They all played so nicely together, and are just learning the ins and outs of when to pass to each other and when to shoot. There are lots of little conversations on the court in the heat of the moment, and it's funny to watch them choose whether to take all of the glory by shooting, or to work as a team. It's especially nice to know they'll be playing together for many years!

It's safe to say that basketball is Megan's favorite sport at the moment, although she's currently infatuated with swimming, so who knows? Maybe she'll be on a swim team at some point.  No matter the sport,  I just love to see her cute flushed face while she's hustling around, building such amazing confidence, competing and having so much fun with her friends. 

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was as special as always for me this year. It's hard to believe it's my 7th! Even better, I enjoyed more than one day this year, since Bridget's kindergarten class hosted a mom's breakfast on that Friday complete with serenading and gifts. It doesn't get any sweeter than seeing your little 5-year-old singing you sweet songs and sneaking cute glances at you during the performance. I was sitting off to one side, and I just loved how she kept looking over and smiling shyly. Siblings weren't allowed to come, which was perfect. It made for some special one-on-one time to appreciate this sweet little girl for all she is as she prepares to graduate to first grade (how is that possible?!).

She retrieved snacks for each of us after the performance, and then we read a book together from one of the bookshelves in her classroom.

And then she gave me my first Mother's Day presents of the year - a rose and a sweet frame made from popsicle sticks and pasta. The picture is one that her teacher took of the two of us before school one day. Now, the frame sits on top of the girls' bookcase beside the one that Megan gave me!

On the real Mother's Day, I was even more spoiled! I woke up to a parade of girls walking down the stairs toward our room, each carrying a different part of my breakfast. They had all helped Matt prepare breakfast in bed for me, and they were so excited to bring it to me.

After we got a picture with me and my breakfast crew, Mary stayed in bed with me to help me out with that breakfast!

Later, we all enjoyed a beautiful brunch at the restaurant at Harding Park Golf Course. Matt's family had reserved an entire banquet room, which was absolutely perfect, especially considering that none of the moms involved had to take part in hosting a party at their own house. What a treat!! We had a fabulous view of the golf course, plenty of time to eat, and loads of room for the kids to run around.

As always, Aunt Stacy proved to be much more thoughtful and wise than me! She brought markers, stickers, paper and button makers (!) for the kids to make buttons for their moms. She put me to shame considering I hadn't even considered entertainment for the girls (I may have had a toy cell phone and some stray goldfish in my purse that morning, if I was very lucky), so it was a good thing Stacy was on the ball! The girls went to town creating button after button for me to wear, and they stayed very busy!

Since no one was hosting, we had plenty of energy and time to coordinate a few pictures with the beautiful golf course in the background. Only Jenny is missing from this photo of Pat and her kids!

This picture captures just a few of the Stecher grandkids. We'll be able to get everyone in one shot come August in Tahoe!

And one with the Mason kids.  Tessa and Annie are always happy (they're smiling for this one!) when they're in the care of the older Mason girls. They are such lifesavers during family parties since the twins stick like glue to Micaela, Brittany and Caitlin. 

And, I even got my own pictures with my girls. Of course, not a one of them is the perfect shot, but together they totally capture the craziness that is mothering five little girls :)

My day was perfect in so many ways. But, what made it a perfect day for the girls? They were able to hop on some abandoned golf carts for a few minutes after brunch. It's the little things!!