Thursday, March 22, 2012

Days of Our Lives

Boy, have I been a blogging procrastinator lately.  I blog a lot in my head, like while I'm doing the dishes.  I come up with great posts then.  But, by the time the dishes are done and my hands are dry, I've completely lost my train of thought.  I'm going to go with baby brain on this.  The same little people I want to write about have compromised my coherent thinking so much that this post will have to be mainly pictures, and not much of my drivel. 

Of course, a lot of these pictures are at least a month old.  I think it's been that long since I was last able to wrestle photos from my camera on to the computer.  More recent photos will hopefully be coming soon.  In the meantime, this blog has been patiently waiting for a new post.  So, old photos it is...

Sometimes we pretend we're fun parents and attempt big slumber parties for the girls.  It starts out wonderfully enough -- cozy girls giggling like they're getting one over on Mommy and Daddy.  More giggling, poking, needing to pee, moving blankets, asking for water, and (did I mention?) giggling ensues.  And then it gets late and  it's really time to go to sleep.  No, really time to go sleep.  NO! REALLY TIME TO GO TO SLEEP!!  Yeah, it's not so fun anymore when Mommy and Daddy start yelling and carting girls back upstairs to slightly more controlled quarters.  Two to a room is marginally easier to manage.  Luckily, this picture was taken when one such slumber party was still in full swing.  Personally, I love that the set-up here on the pull-out couch in the living room is like Charlie's grandparents' bed in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  (Yeah, we've seen that one a few times.)

Bedtime isn't all bad, though.

We renewed our zoo membership, so you can expect a lot more pictures like this one -- more girls with their zoo sheets, courtesy of Daddy.  (Surprisingly, a google search for similar zoo sheets turned up nothing!  I hesitate to say that Matt may be on to something with this idea.)

And, sometimes, it's just fun to play in the cabinet.

Legos have found their way in to our home.  Now that they make "girly" Legos, we had to test them out!  Our house gives them eight thumbs up.

We're stepping into uncharted territory with something else, too.  We currently have two little girls growing out their bangs!  Up until now, I've loved bangs on all of the girls, but we're giving foreheads a chance. We'll see how it goes, and older girls may follow.  For now, Tessa and Annie are frequent victims to clippies and headbands, which means that they also pull those out and look pretty disheveled most of the time. 

In a rare "clippied" moment, a bangless Tessa:

and a bangless (and studious looking) Annie at the library:

When I'm feeling very ambitious, we get out the paints.

Mary continues to be loved on, especially by Megan and Bridget, and is sporting two teeth now at 7.5 months!  She's also eating a few square meals a day, which is contributing to her heftiness. 

And occasionally, even these two are smiling at the same time.

Life is good.